Elizabeth Montague artwork

Most of these images were created on my phone, even the drawings were done on my phone, drawing with my finger. I loved how the limitations of drawing with my finger influenced the style of the drawings. I also loved being able to lay down and be comfortable while I was drawing on my phone after sitting at my computer working on graphic design all day. I do need a newer, better, faster phone to be able to work on any files large enough to print a decent size though.

Several of these images are spontaneous accidental artworks that were created by digital corruption. I love the spontaneously glitched images but I also want to improve my own databending skills someday.

Although I took many many photographs during this time, I consider most of them in a different category such as simply photography, landscapes, future artwork resource material or documentation rather than being my art. I have included a small selection of my favorite unaltered photos here. You can find more of my photography on my instagram account.

Toward the end of 2018, I completed 2 traditional paintings on paper and started a third, that was finished in 2019 and will be added to my 2019 portfolio as soon as I create one. I’m planning on doing a series of small paintings on wood in 2019.

Thanks for looking,
Elizabeth Montague